False Solomon's Seal
Smilacina racemosa var.
First posted August 1, 2004 Last updated
August 1, 2004
False Solomon's Seal
Photo April 24, 2004, by David Nelson
False Solomon's Seal is also called Fat Solomon's Seal,
to differentiate it from Slim Solomon's Seal. This delicate
flower is found in shaded areas of the redwood forest.
It is fairly common at Caz, being found along the banks
of Austin Creek, upstream of the footbridge, on the
far (east) side of the creek, near the boy's tents.
It can also be found along the uphill side of Austin
Creek Road.
The delicate flowers of False Solomon's
Photo April 24, 2004, by David Nelson
The large oval leaves are veined and pointed, clasping
around the stem (Slim Solomon's Seal do not clasp the
stem), and alternating off the single long stem. It
is very often found on a slope, where the stem will
trail downhill. Bright scarlet berries are produced
in summer but are bitter and cathartic.
False Solomon's Seal later in summer;
note alternating leaves
Photograph by David Nelson, July 25,
2004, near boy's tents along Austin Creek
Images of both False (fat) Solomon's Seal as well as
Slim Solomon's Seal can be found on the Montara
Nursery website.