Welcome to the Homepage for the

Hand Surgery Journal Club

The Schedule for the Year 2002

Here is the new schedule. Please check this with your family's calendar and arrange for a switch, if necessary. Don't forget to let me know. The links to the Wine Weekend of 2000 are fixed; I have not yet done 2001.

I have changed the name of this file, so you will need to update your Bookmark. However, I will not change the name in the future, so this should be the last time you need to update it.

The meeting time is 7:00 pm for food and cases. Noah has observed that we either have to start the Journal (ie, end cases) by 8:30 pm or change the name to Cases Club. Late-comers will be requested to save their cases to after Journal Club. If you are the host, bring a view box. If you do not have one, let David know at least one day in advance and he will bring the Jay Hann-VA Viewbox.

 Jan 15

July, 2001
(But Kyle, we want your opinion on Differential Pulse Oximetry, pg 525 of May)

We felt that we covered as much as we wanted to of July
 Feb 19

(Vol 26A, No 5)

(if you like tendons and distal radius, you will love this issue!)

We got to page 907
 Mar 19
September, pg 908
will try to start Nov 
September is finished.
 Apr 16
November is finished
 May 21
January 2002 
January is finished
 June 18
 July 16
 Aug 20


 Sept 17
 Oct 15
 Nov 19



The May Journal Club was at Kendrick's. The great barbeque preceeded a review of cases and the ads. We started the Journal at 10 pm and finished by 11 pm. NOTE: Bob and Mat have switched months; the above list is correct.

The April Journal Club was at Kyle's, where we had a great lasagne and a very nice "mystery" wine: we had to guess its provanance. Turns out the Cabernet was from a patient's vineyard. The cases went on forever but we covered the Journal from 9 to 10 and got out on time. Up next: Kendrick. Remember, the host must supply a viewbox or contact someone to bring one. It allows for a much faster and cleaner discussion of cases.

The March Journal Club was at Relton's. We had a wonderful baked chicken dish with noodles, followed by a great fresh fruit salad with coconut and whipped cream. The Journal was covered after many great case discussions; there were no digressions. Up next: Kyle.

The February Journal Club was at David's, who cooked with the help of his friend, Molly Stone. A bottle of an Australian vintage helped the night along. Relton, Bob, Noah, Shelly, and David finished off the night with a double chocolate cake.

The January Journal Club at Bob Hoffman's. He cooked up an excellent gourmet meal instead of the usual pizza, so the culinary standard has once again been raised. The pressure is on, and David will try to at least tie for Bronze, but the stakes are against him.

The November Journal Club was held at Shelly's, with excellent wine, food and comraderie. Kyle had to leave early; Kyle, we would like your opinion of Neil Jones' article on pulse oximetry: I thought that that (simple) pulse oximetry had been shown to be bad, but the Discussion section did not mention that.


Other Meetings of Note

57th ASSH Annual Meeting
October 3-5
Phoenix, Arizona

AAOS Annual Meeting
February 13-17, 2002

The ORS and AAOS meetings were great, lots happening and new stuff galore.

Bay Area Hand Club
May 10 with Lou Gilula, MD, speaking on
Reading Wrist Xrays


Check out the History Section
(see links below)

Journal Club 2001
Journal Club 2000

History of Journal Club


The Schedule for the Year 2001

The meeting time is 7:00 pm for food and cases; we try to start the Journal at 7:30 pm. If you are the host, bring a view box. If you do not have one, let David know at least one day in advance and he will bring the Jay Hann-VA Viewbox.

 Jan 16
September, 2000
 Feb 20
Sept, pg. 833
Finished Sept!
 Mar 20
Nov up to pg 1095
 Apr 17
 Nov, pg. 1096
Finished Nov, without N!
 May 15
Jan, 2001 
 June 19
 July 17
up to page 227
 Aug 21

March p228

 Sept 18
postponed, by vote at Wine Tour
 Oct 16
 ASSH Abstracts/p228
May, to page 414
 Nov 20
May, page 415
CT of Radius Fx


The October journal club was held at Kendrick's, with excellent food and comraderie. Nelson had to leave early, and no one remembers where we left off, so we will start on page 415, CT of Distal Radius Fractures: Does it Influence Treatment?

The October Journal Club meeting will be at Kendrick's. The September meeting was cancelled, by popular vote (I abstained) at the Wine Tour.

The proposal was made by Noah that we need to actually read the Journal at Journal Club. A novel approach, to be sure, but one that merits some consideration. After said consideration, the proposal to rename our group "Cases Club" was voted down and we all agreed to be on time, start case discussion at 7:00 pm sharp, and start the Journal at 8:30 pm. Late-comers will be requested to save their cases to after Journal Club.




Remember: 56th ASSH Annual Meeting
October 4-6, 2001, Baltimore, Maryland

Also note:

Bay Area Hand Club: Great meeting with Robert Szabo!


Check out the History Section
(see link below)

Journal Club 2000

History of Journal Club