At the October Joint Ortho-Plastics Hand Conference, a decision was made to initiate a Hand Journal Club, which would meet at 7 pm on the third Tuesday of each month. The first meeting will be Tuesday November 19, at my home in San Francisco. It is about six blocks south of the Panhandle of Golden Gate Park, and three minutes from UCSF. Pizza, beer, and soft drinks will be provided. The meeting is principally for attendings and fellows, although residents may attend if interested.

The September issue of JHS will be reviewed. I would be pleased if you could attend. In addition, the Joint Ortho-Plastics Hand Conference meets every third Tuesday of each month, at 7 am in Toland Hall. Upcoming talks are: Distal Radius Fractures, by Matt Masem,MD, and Pitfalls in Hand Surgery, by Eugene Kilgore, MD. The lectures are by attending hand surgeons on topics in which they are recognized authorities. I realize that the OR starts at 7:30 for one team, and that the early morning is a very busy time for all of you. However, the effort should be well worthwhile.

David L. Nelson, MD