This plant is only about 15 inches in height and the flower itself is only 6 mm in height. It was found growing in the damp soil below the Fence Spring, which is located above the cabin just above the Enclosure."California Bee Plant is a square-stemmed perennial with opposite, unevenly toothed oval to triangular leaves. The flowers can range in color from orange to maroon, and are small and easy to miss. They have a short, bowl-like tube below, an erect upper lip with two rounded lobes, and three smaller lower lobes situated along the edge of the bowl. The flower i sreported to hol dso much nextar in its bowl that bees get drunk from it." (Introduction to California Spring Wildflowers, Philip Munz) It can be found throughout the state below 5000 feet and is equally likely to be found in wetlands or non-wetlands according to Cal-Flora, or moist places, according to Munz.