San Francisco Bay Area Hand Club

Founded by Eugene Kilgore, MD and William Newmeyer, MD

Directed by David L. Nelson, MD


The San Francisco Bay Area Hand Club is a group of approximately 130 hand surgeons and 30 hand therapists who meet twice a year. The meetings consist of a social hour, with wine and hors d'oeurvres followed by dinner, and culminating in a talk on a hand surgery topic by a nationally prominant hand surgeon. The Club is open to any surgeon or therapist who treats hand patients. Please contact Dr. Nelson, at 1363 South Eliseo Drive, Suite B, Greenbrae, Ca 94904, or at 415-925-0501, to be added to the list or for more information.

The next meeting will be on
Friday, November 8, 2002
Our speaker will be


Tom Trumble, MD

University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

who will speak on

Distal Radius Fractures

Dr. Trumble has conducted an animal study on the effects of intra-articular stepoff (see eRadius for a representative histology slide), which has yielded insights on the 1986 Knirk and Jupiter paper. He has also conducted clinical studies on the effects of stepoff and gap. He will bring us up to date on his research and how these studies have affected his clinical management of distal radius fractures.


The location will be the Bellvue Club, 525 Bellvue Avenue, Oakland, 94612. (You can get a map from MapQuest: just enter the address of the club). The social hour will start at 6:00 pm and dinner is at 7:00 pm. Invitations will generally be sent approximately 6 weeks in advance. The usual meeting cost is$75 for surgeons and $65 for therapists; the cost will be $95 and $85 for reservations received afterMay 1, due to advance notice requirements by the Bellvue Club.

Download the registration form here.


I look forward to meeting you at the Bellvue Club.


David L. Nelson, MD
Director, San Francisco Bay Area Hand Club


Recent speakers have included:

Louis Gilula, MD May 10, 2002 "The PA Approach to Wrist Radiographs"
William Geissler, MD October 9, 2001 "Arthroscopy and Distal Radius Fractures"
Robert Szabo, MD May 10, 2001 "Controversies in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome"
David Lichtman, MD October 27, 2000 "Lunotriquetral Injuries"
Arnold-Peter Weiss, MD May 19, 2000 "A New Silicon MCP Implant, and Two Fusion Plates"
Leonard Ruby, MD November 12, 1999 "Wrist Kinematics"
Andrew Weiland, MD May 14, 1999 "Scaphoid Fractures"
William Cooney, MD November 6, 1998  "Scaphoid Nonunions"
E. F. Shaw Wilgis, MD May 8, 1998  "Three Difficult Topics"
Gary Poehling, MD November 11, 1997  "Wrist Arthroscopy"
Hill Hastings, MD May 9, 1997  "Finger Fractures"
David Green, MD November 10, 1996  "Scaphoid Fractures"
Alan Freeland, MD May 10, 1996  "Proximal Phalanx Fractures"
Richard I. Burton, MD November 10, 1995  "Managed Care"
Ronald Linscheid, MD May 19, 1995  "The Distal Radioulnar Joint"
Paul Manske, MD November 11, 1994   "Tendon Healing"
Richard Gelberman, MD April 20, 1994  "Carpal Tunnel: Open or Endoscopic?"
Julio Talesnik, MD December 5, 1993  "Surgeries that I No Longer Perform"
Relton McCarroll, MD June 5, 1993  "Thumb Reconstruction"
Jack Tupper, MD December 4, 1992  "Mistakes in Hand Surgery"