Welcome to the Homepage for the

Hand Surgery Journal Club

The Schedule for the Year 2003

The meeting time is 7:00 pm for food and cases. Noah has observed that we either have to start the Journal (ie, end cases) by 8:30 pm or change the name to Cases Club. Late-comers will be requested to save their cases to after Journal Club. If you are the host, bring a view box. If you do not have one, let David know at least one day in advance and he will bring the Jay Hann-VA Viewbox. If you cannot attend, please email the host at least a day in advance, as this helps them to plan the food. If less than 24 hrs, please call.

 Jan 21

July, 2002

page 614
 Feb 18

July, 2002, page 615

finished July
 Mar 18
Sept 2002
part of Sept
 Apr 15
Sept p 840
finished Sept
 May 20
start Nov 2002
 June 17
continue Nov
not far: 1010
 July 15
Nov., page 1011
finished Nov
 Aug 19
Jan 2003

page 68

ASSH Fri nite
 Oct 21

Jan 2003 pg 69

Nov 1
Wine Country Meeting
Noah's, 11 am
No Journal required!
Nov 18
 Jan 04
Oct 2, 2004
Wine Country Meeting



The ASSH meeting in Chicago was great, with interesting papers (how about sticking a tendon anchovie into scaphoid nonunions rather than trying to fix them?) and ongoing trends (everyone wants to take a volar approach to dorsally unstable distal radius fractures, and every company wants to sell you a plate for it). The Wine Dinner, organized by Kendrick, was quite an experience and we finished it off with cigars as we strolled Michigan Avenue.

The August meeting was a great success, with Bob hosting. He now takes off Tuesday afternoon, which gave him time to prepare a knockout feast of barbequed lamb with 12 spices (Relton tells me that that is more than the Colonel's recipe, but what do I know of fine dining?), organic tomatoes with fresh basil (from the garden) and mozzarella, roast potatoes, with two desserts: fruit tart and an apple-yogurt cake. Wow! A standard that even Relton will have a challenge besting when we next gather in October. Kendrick sent his regrets (up at Tahoe) and covered for Monty (out of the country); Matt loses two Brownie Points for not letting Bob know he was not going to make it; the rest of the usual suspects showed up. Best news of the night: Shelley's arm pain and numbness has resolved with rest only; he intends to resume chasing women slowly, to see if his neck can tolerate it. We forged on strongly, reaching page 69. Noah supplied us all with a reprint from the AAOS Journal supporting percutaneous trigger finger releases and finds it works great in his hands.

Note that the September meeting will be held in Chicago; we will make some plans and let you know. We intend to have drinks and dinner together in Chicago. Noah needs to update us all on the Wine Weekend. Note also that the schedule for the rest of the year has been adjusted.

The July meeting was an inaugural meeting of sorts, with Charlotte hosting her first gathering. She is now officially "one of the boys"! We had a great dinner of Indian cuisine, fine wine, and a killer chocolate dessert. We even covered the Journal! Yours truly tried to crack the whip, but it took the combined efforts of Bob and Kendrick to force us to not adjourn until November was put to bed. Noah was delayed by surgery and sent his regrets; Monty failed to show or let Charlotte know, so we are preparing a wet noodle lashing unless he comes up with a good excuse that we have not heard before (I have done this for 10 years, I have heard all sorts of lame excuses). Shelly had to leave early due to his continuing neck pain and arm numbness; we watch with interest and concern for our friend as he considers his next move. Next up: Bob.

The June meeting was taken over at the last minute by Shelly (Mat is still remodelling) and all nine members were present, a first in how many years? Shelly amazed us all with an incredible meal he cooked himself: broiled salmon,salad, rice. The guacamole was incredible as well as the guacamole (green) chips. The strawberry & rhubarb pie was a killer. All voted that future meetings will be uniformly held at Shelly's. Mat may host the next in the back yard, or Charlotte may step up to the plate. A prospective new member was to be invited, and Bill Newmeyer will be extended a permanent guest invitation (he doesn't have to read the journal, as he already knows it all, and besides, he retired).

The May meeting was at Kendrick's house and a great barbeque with great weather was the tale of the day. Nelson was a wimp and said he was tired and left early. Does anyone think climbing El Capitan is sufficient excuse to leave J Club early complaining of being tired? Lacking leadership, little progress was made in the Journal.

The April meeting was held at Monty's house. He kindly emailed us all a map, which was quite excellent. Relton, Noah, Mat, and myself attended; Bob was in Hawaii (lecturing, I believe), Kendrick (drat him!) missed it on account of skiing with his kids (where is his sense of loyalty?), Shelly could not make it, Charlotte forgot to tell Monty she could not make it. We had great Indian food, discussed some cases, and even finished off the Journal for Sept. Next up: burgers at Kendrick's and the November Journal.

The March meeting was held at Relton's house, with great food cooked by Relton and dessert by his daughter. Journal was slightly referred to, most had not read (including the author). We need to address this.

The Feb meeting was held at Bob's house, with Relton, Noah, Shelly, and yours truely (the scribe and bottlewasher) in attendance. A motion was made and seconded that if Kendrick wants to reapply for membership, he should fill out the appropriate forms in triplicate and send them to the main office. Other scoundrels who forget to notify the host (so we can order the proper amount of food) will be sternly dealt with. We covered many issues, including the Columbia disaster from Bob's viewpoint, actually did NO cases, and then proceeded to race through the Journal. Nelson also brought copies of the JHS Journal and we looked at the Questionnaires from two issues, relating to CTS & NCT (do you get them, why, does it change tx) and Dupuytren's (leave open?). It as a good time. Bob served an incredible vegetarian pizza (I would have sworn it tasted like bacon and sausage). Next up: Relton. BE SURE TO WEAR A BOW TIE, as we will have Bill as special guest and will be taking a picture for posting on the top of this page.

The first meeting of the year was held at David's, with Bob, Noah, Relton, Monty, and new member, Charlotte, in attendance. Charlotte is now a partner of Bob's and is a great addition to the group. David claimed that he had worked hard cooking but some said looked suspiciously like it came from the deli. We got to page 615 of the Journal. Next up: Bob.


Other Meetings of Note

September 18-20, 2003
58th ASSH Annual Meeting: On the Shoulders of Giants
Chicago, IL

AAOS Annual Meeting
February 5-9, 2003

Report: a great meeting, volar distal radius plates ruled the day, Synthes has redesigned the volar Pi (stronger) and will release soon (Jesse has been using for 2 yrs), Technology Pavilion was big hit (ask Nelson if you want to know more)


Bay Area Hand Club



Check out the History Section
(see links below)

Journal Club 2002

Journal Club 2001
Journal Club 2000

History of Journal Club