Advice for Non Patients
I have created this website for the education of my patients, but you are most welcome to browse my site. I hope you find useful information on your condition.
Please note the Disclaimer on the homepage: you are guaranteeing yourself second-rate care if you try to treat yourself based on my website (or any web information). You deserve better than that! You need to see a hand surgeon near you and have a complete history and physical examination. Details are often discovered that radically change the situation, so please, don't treat yourself based on my website or any other source of information.
You can find a hand surgeon near you going to the website of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, The page for patients is Patient Page. There is a utility on the right side for entering your city and state, and the site will tell you who are the Board Certified Hand Surgeons in that area. Good luck.
- Dr. Nelson