Welcome to the Homepage for the

Hand Surgery Journal Club
Last Updated Novermber 24, 2006


The Schedule for the Year 2006

The meeting time is 7:00 pm for food and cases. Noah has observed that we either have to start the Journal (ie, end cases) by 8:30 pm or change the name to Cases Club. Late-comers will be requested to save their cases to after Journal Club. If you are the host, bring a view box. If you do not have one, let David know at least one day in advance and he will bring the Jay Hann-VA Viewbox. If you cannot attend, please email the host at least a day in advance, as this helps them to plan the food. If less than 24 hrs, please call.

Nov 15
Sept 05, entire issue!
finished all September
 Jan 17

Nov 05

no journals arrived in the mail
 Feb 21

Nov 05

pg 1172
 Mar 21
Nov pg 1172
 Apr 18
Nov pg 1172
finished Nov
 May 16
Jan and Feb 06
to Jan pg 125, but also will do p 68
 June 20
Jan, p 68 & then p 125
Feb to p218
 July 18
Jan p 68, then Feb p 219
 Aug 15

to March, not including Lichtman

 Sept 19
Mar, start at Lichtman, then April
April, p559, Denervation of wrist
 Oct 17

April, p559, Denervation of wrist

"most all of May-June" ?!?
Nov 21
I go no report- you guess


November Charlotte hosted the meeting at the last minute, despite having twins and another on the way! Cheers for Charlotte! This is service beyond the call of duty. Present were Relton, Bill B., Mat, Bob, Monty, David, Noah, and Charlotte; Kendrick was off at the opening night of Carmen, Doug was on his way to LA for Thanksgiving, Shelley was recovering from surgery and preparing for more. Spicy Thai food was served and all enjoyed it. Great cases were discussed and collegiality was excellent. We tried to get something done on the Journal but only made it to page 939, despite David being a rather obnoxious Journal Nazi and pushing everyone along at breakneck pace. We take December off, and Mat has assured us the poisonous fumes will have abated from his kitchen (were the pyramids finished faster?) by January, and volunteered to host then. See you in the New Year.

October Bob Hoffman hosted, with a tritip, roasted potatoes, and trimmings. David missed the meeting (hunting in Wyoming, one day's high temp was 39 and the low was 15, but that is another story), but Bob reported that everyone else was in attendance. April was finished, and "most all of May-June", but that does not help much. Where did you get to? Bob also reports that Mat volunteered to host Nov.

September Relton hosted our meeting, that started with a home-grown, home-made salsa and chips, then followed with a baked chicken with salsa, home-grown green beans, rice, cucumber with basalmic vinegar, and salad, and a chocolate-caramel cake. Noah debuted a cabernet of his own vintage that was quite excellent and smooth, no bite at all. Present were Monty, Mat, Noah, Kendrick, Doug, Bob, Shelley, and David; with a guest appearance by Bill Newmeyer. Absent were Charlotte and Bill B. Cases were discussed and we even got to the Journal. We made progress but the prognosis for staying on time with the Journal is bleak unless we speed up. We also are in need of a host next time.

August I missed the meeting, but this report was filed by Kendrick: Attending: Monty, Bill, Relton, Bob, Charlotte, and Kendrick. Missing were Noah, Mat, Doug, Shelley.

Discussed cases, varying from RA tendon reconstruction, RA joint reconstruction, congenital radial head dislocation symptomatic in young adulthood, recurrent SL instability post prior ligament repair.  KEL confounded usual protocol by showing cases with 9 year follow up (RA tendon ruptures) , and 5 month follow up (bilateral distal radius with scaphoid on one side also).

We finished the March 2006 journal, except for the D. Lichtman review of mid carpal instability at the very end.

Dr. Billings served a delightful classic Italian dinner: Antipasto, Piatto di formaggi assortiti, Piatto primo, Insalata caprese (mozzarella di bufala di Campania); Secondo: Pollo alla cacciatore, Contorni, Polenta, Pane; Dolci: Torta di cioccolato, Torta di lamponi. I vini: Barbera d'Alba 2004, sorry, don't remember the producer, but a nicely crisp food friendly barbera with classic dried cherry nose.  I thought the taste I had from the second bottle had a bit of nebbiolo rose scent to it also. Rosso di Montefalco, 2003, Arnoldo Caprai.  One of my favorite Umbrian reds, a medium bodied Sangiovese-Sagrantino-Merlot blend.  Caffe. (Now that is one heck of a report!)

July I missed the meeting due to an OR emergency, no report.

June Kendrick hosted the meeting at Summer Solstice with his typically excellent barbeque, preparing pork chops, sauteed cherry tomatoes, and tabouli. His son Nick baked a chocolate cake and served as well as the barrista for espresso, cafe latte, etc. The food was only excelled by the excellence of the company, with all 11 attending: Bob, Relton, Shelly, Monty, Bill B., Mat, Doug, Charlotte, Noah, and David. Bob finally confessed that it was his motorcycle that caused the distal radius and ankle ORIF's. One possible silver lining is that he is doing well and thoroughly supports the volar plate as opposed to a cast approach. He is writing an essay on what it feels like to be the patient, not the doctor, and that will be available at some time. Noah was encouraged to plan a wine weekend and the group assured him of their support and attendance. Monty had a birthday and we all sang for the occasion. He had to escape early (to join some buddies to celebrate) and yet again did not have to defend his article on pg 68 of the January Journal. We are holding it for the next meeting, so we can hold his feet to the fire. Kendrick posed a toast to commemorate the passing of our great colleague, Jack Tupper, and recalled his conversation with Jack the night before he died. We all held our glasses high for one who raised the standards of hand surgery so high, and also loved a glass of fine wine. He will be remembered and missed. Charlotte will be hosting next month.

May Doug and Eliza and their three children hosted the May meeting, with wonderful Thai food, as well as coffee and the required chocolate dessert served at our places by Emily, Sarah, and Nathan. In attendance were Relton, Bob, Noah, Kendrick, Charlotte, Bill, and David. Cases were discussed in the normal lively fashion and at 9 pm Bob motioned that we actually had to discuss the Journal. It was observed that one of the most important aspects to getting the most out of reading the Journal (in light of Dr. Manske's talk last Friday night regarding how to read and write for the Journal) was to read the Journal in the context of a Journal Club. A valiant effort was made to balance discussion and progress through the issue, and we got to page 125. However, in deference to Monty, we postponed discussion of his article on radial collateral ligament tears to a later date when he can be present.

April Shelly hosted our meeting and he arranged for a beautiful sunset, wine and cheese, then a wonderful lasagna and salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing. The dessert was supplied by

(which happens to be run by Shelly's daughter). It was a wonderful cheesecake that had everyone clamoring for seconds (Noah snuck over for a last bit of crust on his way out the door). Members present were Relton, Noah, Kendrick, Mat, Charlotte, Monty, and David. (Bob is in Hawaii and Bill is in France; Doug had to stay home with the family.) Cases were discussed, and we finally started the Journal at 10 pm. Not much progress was made, but the goalposts were moved and a victory declared. The proposal was made that, now that the Journal has 12 issues per year and we are four issues behind, we need to cover two issues a month for two months. We do not want to be on the current issue, as journal delivery can be an issue (see the January report), but should not be more than one or so issues behind. The proposal was passed unanimously, so be prepared: two issues next time.

March The meeting was cancelled at the last minute due to paint fumes at Mat's house.

February We took off where we left off: the beginning of Nov! Bob was not originally slated to host, but pitched in when the scheduled host was unavailable. In attendance were Bob, Relton, Monty, Shelly, and David. We started with a selection of wines and cheeses, then had some lovely Berkeley vegetarian pizza and salad, and finally a fruit tart. Cases predominated, we decided that the current roster filled most rooms and that we would not add anyone just now. We covered part of the Journal.

January We started off the 2006 new year with great enthusiasm but no journals. Actually, not "no journals", because David had his, but the others all had the same excuse, so there must have been some reason. Relton hosted with flair, serving his red beans and rice (with no too much chili pepper) and a chocolate liquor cake, enscribed with "Journal Club 2006" A great touch. Present were Bob, Shelly, Doug, Kendrick, Noah, Mat, and Relton; with special guest Hillary Green, Relton's former fellow, who lives in Mill Valley and works at Kaiser Vallejo.

November 15, 2005, was ably hosted by Monty Cardon, with a great buffet of Thai food. Monty can continue to be a member of Journal Club, due largely to the delicious chocolate dessert. The wine was delightful. Cases were discussed and the September Journal dispatched (although not enough attention was directed to the distal radius articles <g>). In attendance were Relton, Bill, Noah, Mat, Kendrick, Bob, and David.


Other Meetings of Note

61st Annual Meeting

September 7-9, 2009
Washington, DC


AAOS Annual Meeting
March 22-26, 2006


Check out the History Section
(see links below)

Journal Club 2005
Journal Club 2004

Journal Club 2003
Journal Club 2002
Journal Club 2001
Journal Club 2000

History of Journal Club