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Osteoporosis is a condition where bones are less dense, and therefore less strong, than they should be. This can lead to fractures, particularly of the hip, distal radius, and spine. These fractures can have a very negative effect on one's overall health, so it is important that we take osteoporosis seriously. I have linked several documents on osteoporosis that I felt you might like to read.

American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery: Bone Density Testing August, 1999
National Institutes of Health: Consensus Development Conference Statement March 27-29, 2000
AMA: Hormone Replacement Therapy Falls Out of Favor With Expert Committee April 17, 2002
National Osteoporosis Foundation: List of FDA Approved Drugs May, 2002
National Osteoporosis Foundation: Recommendations for All Patients
Milk Matters: National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development

National Osteoporosis Foundation

You may also want to look at the website for the National Osteoporosis Foundation.




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Remember the admonition from the Patient Education Links Page: the Internet has a lot of information, much of it incorrect. I have reviewed the sites that I have linked to, and have only linked to sites when I personally know the surgeon who posted it, or am a member of the organization that posted it. However, I may not agree with all that is on that site, and it may have changed since I reviewed it. If any of the information is not consistent with what I have told you, please download the material and bring it in.