Welcome to the Homepage for the

Hand Surgery Journal Club
Last Updated November 4, 2010


The Schedule for the Year 2010

The meeting date is the third Tuesday of the month and the time is 7:00 pm for food and cases. Noah has observed that we either have to start the Journal (ie, end cases) by 8:30 pm or change the name to Cases Club. Late-comers will be requested to save their cases to after Journal Club. If you are the host, bring a view box. If you do not have one, let David know at least one day in advance and he will bring the Jay Hann-VA Viewbox. If you cannot attend, please email the host at least a day in advance, as this helps them to plan the food. If less than 24 hrs, please call.

Dec 15
Oct 09
Killed it.
 Jan 19


 Feb 16

Cubital Tunnel Workshop

No Journal
 Mar 16
 Apr 20
Jan 2010
not finished, but we move on
 May 18
very much not finished
 June 15

(two nice radius fx studies!)

completed the entire issue!
 July 20
April: don't forget the detour!
finished May
 Aug 17


 Sept 21
killed it
 Oct 19


Nov 16
Dec 21

too close to Christmas?

Bill, if we decide to meet



The June meeting was ably hosted by Bill, and attended by Rebecca, Bob, Relton, Charlotte, Kendrick, Shelley, and David. Wine and cheese was followed by a spicy barbequed chicken, macaroni salad, baguette, and wine. Dessert was a chocolate layer mousse and a fruit cheesecake. Cases were presented and Journal started on time. We pushed forward and made our way to the end.

I have been too busy to post any regular meeting reports, no one has commented, so perhaps they are not read. In any case, here is the May report:

Kendrick hosted the meeting in May, as is the custom. He was called into the OR, so we were denied our barbeque, and instead, Ruth rustled up a Vitello brasato con funghi (braised veal with mushrooms) at the last minute. It was wonderful, and was enjoyed by Bob, Monte, Shelley, Noah, Charlotte, Becky, John, and yours truely. Doug is recovering from Dengue Fever, contracted from a mission to Haiti. Our condolences and admiration. Four of our group have now served; kudos to all. Noah showed us a PowerPoint of his 2 year followup of 20 (?) arthroscopic PRC's that he will be giving at the Arthroscopy Association meeting. We loved it. He is now down from 1 hour 50 min to 70 min. Bob made a plea to move from general discussion and cases to the Journal with a bit more alacrity, so we could get to some of the better review or technique articles in the back. The JN worked hard at it but we got only 61% through the Journal. Discussion on how to spend our time is due.

Other Meetings of Note

65th Annual Meeting

AAOS 78th Annual Meeting


Check out the History Section
(see links below)

Journal Club 2009
Journal Club 2008

Journal Club 2007
Journal Club 2006

Journal Club 2005
Journal Club 2004
Journal Club 2003
Journal Club 2002
Journal Club 2001
Journal Club 2000

History of Journal Club .