Hand Surgery Journal Club
Last Updated November 26, 2012
The Schedule for the Year 2012
The meeting date is the third Tuesday of the month and the time is 7:00 pm for food and cases. Noah has observed that we either have to start the Journal (ie, end cases) by 8:30 pm or change the name to Cases Club. Late-comers will be requested to save their cases until after Journal Club. If you cannot attend, please email the host at least a day in advance, as this helps them to plan the food. If less than 24 hrs, please call.
Dec 6 |
Mat |
- |
- |
Jan 17 |
Bill |
Sept 2011 |
- |
Feb 21 |
Kendrick's BBQ |
Sept 2011 again |
terminalized |
Mar 20 |
Josh |
Oct 2011 |
not attempted |
Apr 17 |
Shelly |
- |
- |
May 15 |
Mat |
Nov, Dec, Jan |
pick your artile, move on |
June 19 |
Bob |
Feb 2012 |
killed part of it, move on |
July 17 |
Charlotte |
Mar & April 2012 |
move on |
Aug 21 |
Relton |
May and June |
Did not even finish May |
Sept 18 |
Becky |
Finish May and get going on June |
July |
Oct 16 |
Doug |
- |
August, esp the reviews |
Nov 20 |
Bill B. |
Sept |
Killed it |
Dec 18 |
Mat |
Oct (Start in Back) |
- |
Bill lived up to the lofty expectations for his hosting of Journal Club. Attending were Kendrick, Mat, Josh, Relton, Bob, Charlotte, Rebecca, and Bill. We started with wine, cheese, and crackers; David showed the case of PastaMan, his patient who fell into a commercial pasta mixer. After the social hour, the dinner was served: sauteed chicken. Dessert was chocolate cake and coffee, and we launched into the Journal (after heavy pressure by the JN; Noah's absence was felt as no one supported the JN in moving to the Journal). Mat volunteered to do December, and we have scheduled it early so as not to interfere with other activities. Some changes were announced about the Bay Area Hand Club: we are exploring having the venue rotate, to include Stanford and UCSF.
Doug and his gracious wife were kind enough to host us for October. Present were: Charlotte, John, Bill, Kendrick, Relton, Noah, Hillary, and David. We had wine and cheese, then proceeded to the dining room for a wonderful Thai feast. Doug served some Kopi Luwak, which he brought back from his recent trip to Indonesia. Two cases were discussed, then Noah prompted us to move to the Journal. In keeping with the resolution of the previous meeting, we reviewed the Journal from two months prior, which would be August 2012, and started with the review articles. We were amazingly productive and got almost all of the Journal covered. Bill volunteered to be up next, we need someone to volunteer for December.
The September Journal Club Report is by Noah, with minor additions by David: Becky was our gracious host, at the last minute, at her home. Thank you, Becky, for filling in for Doug at the last minute. We had a good turnout; present were Mat, Kendrick, Bob, Relton, Bill, Charlotte, David, and Noah. Our prospective new member, Hillary, was not able to make it. David left early to get a good night's sleep for his Boards (but not before eating the free food!). The Thai food was fantastic (spicy green beans!!), and apparently no one noticed the paucity of caffeine. We plowed through July. After a great deal of discussion, we voted for the following changes to the Official Bay Area Hand Journal Club Rules & Regulations: Every month we will do one journal, specifically the journal from two months prior (ie, July journal done in September). That gives us some time to get to the journal beforehand, and guarantees we stay current. We also felt we should try to spend more time on the reviews/current concepts section. Next up: Doug, for the August JHS.
Relton outdid himself. Present were: Relton, Bob, Mat, Bill, Kendrick, Monty, Josh, Charlotte, David, and our special member, Lisa. Two special guests were present: original member Bill Newmeyer and prospective member Hillary. Relton led off with corn chips and salsa. Dinner was rosemary marinated barbecued lamb chops that Relton kept grilling, spread after spread, until all were satisfied. He served it with pasta, garden salad, and Indian cucumber-tomato salad. The wines were special ones he was saving for a special occasion, so we must consider ourselves complimented. Th oldest wine was a magnum of 1974 Heitz "Martha's Vineyard" that wine collectors would have fallen all over themselves to try. The other red was a magnum of 2001 Schug pinot noir.We discussed cases over killer Peet's coffee, vanilla ice cream, and cake. Lisa entertained us with her Littanza Procedure, a modification of a modification of a modified Brunelli. The group was supportive of the procedure but they all hated the idea that it was a modification of a Brunelli: it is not. It is original. I suggest she call it the DIC Reconstruction Procedure. (Let others call it a Littanza. Even Kirk called it a Scaphoid Shift. To date, the only person to stand up at the ASSH and name a procedure after himself was Ed, and he got called on that by someone from the floor: "You moved one hole over a little bit and name it after yourself? That procedure is called a Thompson, and I'm Thompson.") We then moved on to the Journal. The JN did his best, but with the great food, incredible wine, and wonderful company, little progress was made.
July I need a report: I missed it.
Bob was our host, who served up BBQ flank steak, grilled vegetables, and his wife made us a salad. Present were: Bob, Kendrick, Relton, Mat, Becky, Charlotte, and David. After wine and cheese, plus catching up on families and travels, several difficult cases were shared on an iPad, then we moved on to the February Journal. No one except Relton had read it, so it was covered quickly. We resolved to do March and April, 2012, next time, at Charlotte's. Relton also wanted to bring up the addition of a new member, Hillary Green. Bob noted that normally only 6-8 of our 15 members show up, and three of the members pictured above are either no longer attending, not able to attend on a regular basis, or simply attend on an irregular basis. There were no objections, so Relton will invite her to join us next time.
David was missing from Journal Club, so our roving correspondent was Noah, who filed this report: Journal Club was held at Mat's last night. Present were: Noah, Mat, Kendrick, Becky, Charlotte, Monty, Bill, and Relton; a nice number, actually. After some lovely, well aged asbestos covered bottles were dug out of Mat's wine cellar, and after a great meal, we plowed through November, December, and January of JHS. We had the usual spirited discussions, arguments, and fistfights. I think the use of preoperative antibiotics is finally fading. The plan for next month is to plow through February, March, and April. The deal is that everyone reads these three issues, and picks out any articles that they find interesting, valuable, ridiculous, or otherwise discuss-able. That should bring us back on schedule.
On another note, I have picked Saturday October 13 as Journal Club in Wine Country; brunch, maybe a journal, and great wine tasting. Please let me know if that date works for the majority. (Actually I don't care what weekend in October we choose, but I had to pick one). I need a real count so I can try to find some fun and unusual tastings/experiences.
The meeting was held at Ozumo, a more than wonderful Japanese restaurant in Oakland. Josh was host, and attendees included Shelly, Bob, Noah, Charlotte, Becky, Doug, Monty, Relton, Kendrick, Mat, and David. The food was marvelous and exotic, very tasty. Becky asked for a group photo, so we did one. Noah was moving so fast he was blurred, so I Photoshopped him in from another photo taken this night; Lisa was stuck in traffic and had to be Photoshopped in yet again. The food was so good, and the noise from the adjacent bar was so bad, that we did not even attempt to do the Journal. Shelly is up next, and so is October.
David missed the meeting, so the report is by the host, Kendrick: Attendees were Bill B.,
Josh, Doug,
Becky, and
Bill N.
Monty presented a couple ofcases, Charlotte one case.
Finished Sept 2011 JHS A. Consensus was it was not a memorable issue.
Dinner theme was Spanish classics.
champiñones al ajillo,
ensaladilla Rusa,
chorizo seco,
queso Manchego,
queso cabrales,
olivas rellenas.
chuletas de cerdo con pimiento,
judías verdes salteadas, and
arroz integral.
pastel de chocolate &
fresas frescas.
Alonso de Yerro, Ribero del Duero, 2006,
Viña Ardanza, Rioja, 2001.
Other Meetings of Note
AAOS 79th Annual Meeting |
Check out the History Section |
Journal Club 2011
Journal Club 2010
Journal Club 2009
Journal Club 2008
Journal Club 2007
Journal Club 2006
Journal Club 2005
Journal Club 2004
Journal Club 2003
Journal Club 2002
Journal Club 2001
Journal Club 2000